Tech Tools and Resources

Open Education Resources (OER)

Chabot College uses OER to reduce the cost of college for students, by offering free to low-cost textbooks and various course materials.

Vision Resource Center

The Vision Resource Center is the most recent iteration of the Professional Learning Network (PLN) and provides access to trainings from and Skillsoft, as well as many other resources. Once you've created an account and log in, search for topics that interest you. There are great trainings for Canvas, Word, Excel, Photoshop, and many others, including many videos on accessibility in the educational environment.

WebAIM Accessible Document Training

  • Creating accessible document content and structure in Word & PowerPoint.
  • Evaluating the accessibility of well-structured Word & PowerPoint documents.
  • Optimizing the accessibility of PDFs exported from well-structured Word & PowerPoint documents with Acrobat.
  • Creating accessible document content and structure in Excel (bonus module).

This course is designed for participants that have experience creating Word & PowerPoint documents. Web development or design experience is not required.

Office of Education Technology - Emerging Trends

These Priorities are grounded in OET’s vision of Digital Equity & Opportunity where our efforts aim to support and enable the conditions and activities that create possibilities for all learners and educators to fully participate in society and economy.