

  • 是的! Undocumented students can go to any public college or university in California, if 他们符合入学要求并被录取. 这适用于新生和 转移承认.
  • “大学 welcomes and supports students without regard to their immigration 状态.
  • Students can pay in-state tuition at California state schools (CCC, CSU, UC) if they 满足 州法AB-540的标准.
  • Many UC and CSU campuses have undocumented student resource centers and programs to 帮助支持学生. 有关加州大学校园,请访问 在这里. 欲了解科罗拉多州立大学校园,请访问 在这里.



CA Assembly Bill AB-540 is a California law passed in 2001 which states 那 undocumented students who meet certain requirements can qualify to be exempt from nonresident tuition at California public colleges and universities (includes Community Colleges, CSUs 和UCs). In 2014, Assembly Bill AB-2000 was passed, expanding the definition to allow 额外的灵活性,谁可以满足要求. 2018年1月,参议院 Bill SB-68 went into effect, which further expands the criteria. 这一点非常重要 because this exemption allows eligible undocumented students to pay CA resident tuition 而是非居民学费.  



参观ab540 & sb68网页的完整资料.


Can Undocumented High School Students Participate in Concurrent Enrollment?

是的,根据加州法律 AB 2364, undocumented and DACA high school students can participate in concurrent enrollment 并且可以申请非居民学费减免. 希望参加的学生 in the concurrent enrollment program, must complete the "Recommendation for Concurrent Enrollment" Packet, including the section entitled, “AB 2364 California Nonresident “学费减免”,并提交给招生办公室 & 查伯特学院的记录. 点击 在这里 for more information on the Concurrent Enrollment Program for High School students.

Ca sb 554 (2019) is a new law 那 will allow Adult School and non-credit students who are enrolled in a high school diploma or equivalency program to participate in concurrent enrollment and waive the nonresident tuition, for up to 11 units per semester.

Please note, students who later wish to attend “大学 upon graduation from 高中还需要提交 ab540宣誓书 表格及随附文件 & 档案办公室,以便继续 获得非居民学费减免.


《ag体育》(FERPA) affords students privacy rights with respect to their education records. Chabot-Las Positas Community College District’s Board Policy 5040 provides additional privacy 保护.

根据我们的 隐私协议, “大学 will not release any student information, including immigration 状态 or related information in confidential student records, to any member of the public, federal agencies or other parties without prior written consent from the student, a court order or a lawfully issued subpoena, or as otherwise required by law.

Any inquiries made in regards to the student’s immigration 状态 or related student records will be directed to “大学’s Office of the President. “大学 President will ad在这里 to the privacy 保护 principles above when responding to 这些与移民有关的询问.

同样需要注意的是,并非所有参加AB-540课程的学生都是无证件的. 很多都是合法居民. AB-540 forms are worded in a way so as to protect undocumented students from having to declare their 状态 (they are grouped with US citizens and permanent residents). 证词 says “IF” they are an “alien without lawful immigration 状态,” then they will pursue a means 改变 their immigration 状态 when it becomes available.

“大学's full privacy statement in support of all students.








CA梦想法案 vs. 联邦梦想法案-有什么区别?

Do not confuse the CA梦想法案 (which provides state financial aid to undocumented 符合AB-540条件的学生)与拟议的联邦梦想法案. 联邦之梦(发展) 救济和教育(外籍未成年人)法案是一项联邦法律 建议 如果通过 would provide many undocumented students with a legal path to citizenship. 然而, 它还没有在国会通过. 由于这项提议的法案,许多人没有证件 学生们称自己为“梦想家”."


什么是DACA ??

有关所有最新的DACA更新和信息,请单击 在这里.

DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a 2012 Obama administration policy 转变. DACA allows qualifying individuals to apply for a 临时 (2-year) work permit, 临时 Social 安全 number (valid for work authorization only), and 保护 从被驱逐出境. 学生可以每两年重新申请一次. DACA不授予合法 immigration 状态 or provide a path to citizenship, and is only a 临时 测量.

相遇的DACA受助人 ab - 540标准 can apply for California State Financial 援助 by submitting the CA梦行为申请. DACA不会使学生有资格申请FAFSA.

Students who are DACA recipients may also be eligible to be reclassified as CA residents. 如需重新分类,请提交 居留权重新分类申请书 到招生和记录办公室. 这份请愿书需要证明文件 and should only be submitted if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You currently hold an immigration 状态 (like DACA) 那 is eligible to establish California residency and you have had (or applied for) 那 状态 at least 366 days 在学期开始之前.
  • You have been physically present in California with the intent to make California your home for other than a 临时 purpose at least 366 days prior to the start 这个术语的.



有关所有最新的DACA更新和信息,请单击 在这里.


  • 1981年6月16日或之后出生;
  • 来到美国.S. 在你16岁之前;
  • 是否一直居住在美国.S. 自2007年6月15日至今(如 曾被驱逐出境、被命令驱逐出境或离开美国的.S. 在此期间,进行讨论 与移民法律顾问/律师合作);
  • 实际在美国吗.S. 2012年6月15日,在你提交你的 DACA应用程序;
    进入美国.S. without inspection, or your lawful immigration 状态 expired as 2012年6月15日;
    Are currently in school, have graduated high school, or obtained a General Education 证书(GED);
  • Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety (If you have any arrests or criminal convictions, discuss with an immigration legal advocate/attorney); and
  • Are at least 15 years old at the time you file your application, unless you are or 我们正在进行驱逐程序.

按此 预约法律服务 今天与EBCLC合作!


Please note, the information on this website is general in nature and serves as a 指南. 资料如有更改,恕不另行通知.  请参考参考资料 本网站提供更多信息. 移民法是复杂和主体的 改变. Please consult with an immigration attorney regarding questions pertaining 移民和法律地位.